Sierra Chart provides the ability to send email alerts from their platform, TradeGuider has no control over these settings.

Sierra Chart does limit the number of emails that they will allow. This information is from their website "The current rules are: 20 emails per minute. 200 emails per hour. 500 emails per day." and you can read the full message here:

Additionally, there are some domains which are blocked from receiving Sierra Chart Alert Messages by email, these are listed here:

Before you can enable the email alert sending in the TGVSA_Scanner study you have to complete the steps below in Sierra Chart.

  1. Click Global Settings on the menu of Sierra Chart.
  2. Choose General Settings.
  3. Choose the Alerts/General 3 tab.
  4. Alert settings should be set to Alert 1.
  5. Check the box for Send E-Mail When This Alert is Triggered.
  6. Enter your email address in the E-Mail Address or Twitter Username box.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Go back to Alerts setting (step 4) and set it to Alert 2.
  9. Check the box for Send E-Mail When This Alert is Triggered.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click OK.

That will enable the email alerts.

