To download MetaStock data you will need their MetaStock Downloader software and an account with MetaStock. This link will provide you with a trial of the MetaStock data. 

Once you have signed up you will then need to install their Downloader software. You will find that in the Download section of the MetaStock website and your data User ID and Password will be located there.

Next, you will need to install the Symbol Utility files in the Legacy format. This link will take you to the symbol utility page You need the Legacy files, scroll to the lower part of the page and you will see the legacy file download links.

Once you have the Legacy files added, then add them to the MetaStock Downloader software and then download the data you will use in the TradeGuider EOD software.

The last step would be to add the MetaStock Data files to your TradeGuider EOD software. This link will explain how to load those files into TG EOD.